Wednesday, July 24, 2024


 Allah is never late, Allah is never early, Allah is always on time. His timing is perfect, for He knows what we need, when we need it. Trust in His plan, for it is the best for us. Allah's timing is not just about the clock, it's about the divine orchestration of events in our lives. Sometimes what feels like a delay is actually Allah's way of preparing us or aligning things for a greater purpose. Have faith in His wisdom and His love for you, for His timing is always perfect, and His plans are always for your ultimate good. 

They plan, and Allah plans. Surely, Allah is the best of planners. (QS. 8:30)

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Allah brings people into our lives for a purpose, and He then takes them away when their purpose is done. Every experience you have with people you meet is meant to teach you something. When He removes them from your life, you must say "alhamdulillah" because there is most comprehend at this moment. You'll never really know for sure what roles people play in your life, but if you look back, you'll realize that they have either sparked the cogs of change or have taught you something valuable. Allah places people in our lives at specific times to suit a specific reason and removes them from our lives at specific times. Rather than thinking about why do they leave, think about "Why did they enter." That will make your life more meaningful. 

The life of this world is transitory, it's a journey, and everyone you meet will leave you one day, and someone's leaving may drive you to think about the life loss, and gain. Life is all about losing and gaining. Not every friendship or relationship is meant to be what you have imagined. We always imagine a happy ending, but we forget that sad endings also exists. And maybe just maybe, to teach you to value the people around you who don't want to leave you. And Allah knows best.


A time for you to sit and speak to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala about all your hardships and problems. A time for you to sit and thank Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala for all your blessings and happiness. Allah loves us so much that He has given us the opportunity to sit and talk to Him, alone. Just you and Him at a certain time of the morning, that's how much Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala loves us. May all our du'aas (prayers) get accepted by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and I pray we use every morning as an opportunity to talk to Him, repent and thank Him for all that He has given us and thank him for all that He has taken away. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023


 We must realize that nothing happens without a purpose. Nothing. Not even broken hearts. Not even pain. That broken heart and that pain are lessons and signs for us. They are warnings that something is wrong. They are warnings that we need to make a change. Just like the pain of being burned is what warns us to remove our hand from the fire, emotional pain warns us that we need to make an internal change. That we need to detach. Pain is a form of forced detachment. Like the loved one who hurts you again and again and again, the more dunya hurts us, the more we inevitably detach from it. The more we inevitably stop loving it. And pain is a pointer to our attachments. That which makes us cry, that which causes us most pain is where our false attachments lie. And it is those things which we are attached to as we should only be attached to Allah which become barriers on our path to God. But the pain itself is what makes the false attachment evident. The pain creates a condition in our life that we seek to change, and if there is anything about our condition that we don't like, there is a divine formula to change it. Allah says, "Verily, Allah does not change the condition of people until they change what is within themselves." (QS. 13:11)

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Never Forget

 When you are hurt by people who share the same blood as you, just remember Yusuf 'Alaihissalam, who was betrayed by his own brothers. If you find your parents opposing you, remember Ibrahim 'Alaihissalam, whose father led him to the fire. If you're stuck with a problem where there's no way out, remember Yunus 'Alaihissalam, stuck in the belly of a whale. When someone slanders you, remember Aisha Radhiyallahuanha who was slandered throughout the city. If you're ill your body cries with pain, remember Ayou 'Alaihissalam who was more ill than you. When you can't see the logic around you, think of Nuh 'Alaihissalam who built an Ark without questioning. If you are mocked by your own relatives, family, friends and the world at large, then remember our dear Prophet Muhammad. Allah put these prophets to trial so that generations will also persevere in patience.

Monday, November 20, 2023



Allah tests our faith when we spend long hours in sujood, when we make a lot of dua's and cries our heart out to Him to give us something we love or maybe to remove some haram from us but still we dont get what we want. Sometimes Allah tests our patience, sometimes after so many efforts our duas/prayers just dont seem to get answered. So don't get dishearted or disappointed. These are those moments when you need to show your love and faith to Allah. These are the moments when you have to be patient. Tawakul is when you hand over all those things to Allah that you cannot understand.

You do deserve it

 You do deserve it.

That thing you so desperately want, but that you're afraid to ask for Him for.

Whenever you're about to say, "O Allah grant me..." the words get stuck in your throat. Because you just don't know if you're "worthy", if you're "ready", if you're willing to receive it.

You've been taught about dua/prayer. So you know that when you ask Him, Allah may bring that thing to fruition, or something better. That's beautiful, but you're scared of what that might mean. Your life will change, you'll have more responsibility, you'll have to step up to the task.

And it feels comfortable where you are. Even if you've stagnated.

At the core of it all, you think you don't deserve that thing you want because you're flawed. You're so full of mental and emotional contradictions, and you've committed so many sins that you think--why should I have anything good?

So you stop asking. You become silent after your prayers. You fold up your mat and go on with your day. And you try not to think about that thing you so desperately want.

It doesn't work, though. You still think about it. You still dream about it. And the words that are stuck in your throat claw at you because they want to be spoken out loud. They want to travel up to the heavens.

He knows more than anyone how flawed you are. But He never says, "Ask me only if you're perfect".


 Allah is never late, Allah is never early, Allah is always on time. His timing is perfect, for He knows what we need, when we need it. Trus...