Friday, February 28, 2020

Islamic Youth (English Version)

Allah says, "We tell you (Muhammad) this story correctly.  Indeed they are young men who believe in their Lord, and We also add to their guidance.  "(Q.S.Al Kahfi: 13)

 From this verse, let me talk  briefly about Youth, its description and some inspirational figures from Islamic history.

President Soekarno once said, "Give me 1000 parents they will pull Semeru Mountain until the roots, but if you give me 10 teenagers, so they will shake the world."

 Speaking of youth, if we look around, we can see a lot of young people around us (or some people who think that they still young). However, the youth that I will bring to this oppurtinity are young people who not only have a high fighting spirit, but also those who have a strong faith and understanding in Islam.

 Islam once gave birth to inspirational figures who influenced the progress of Islam and become a world leaders.  Some of them are Ali bin Abi Talib, Muhammad Al-Fatih, and Usamah bin Zaid.  

Ali bin Abi Talib was the first young man to convert to Islam.  He was the person who always accompanied and protected the Prophet.  His loyalty and love to the Prophet during his youth was proven when he replaced the Prophet in his bed shortly before the Hijrah.  

Likewise, Muhammad Al-Fatih at the age of 21 years, had become a warlord of Muslim troops who tear down one of the empires that ruled for 11 centuries, Byzantium.  

There is also Osama bin Zaid.  The 18-year-old young man who trusted by the Prophet, followed by Abu Bakr Ash-Shidiq, they lead the  Muslim army to face one of the greatest forces at that time, the Romans, to liberate the land of Sham.  And Osama proved that He was truly the right person to hold that trust as the land of Sham could be liberated from Rome at that time.

Today's, some youth are starting to move away from Islamic values, as their benchmarks already shifted from al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith to various understandings that originate from human thought, some Western thoughts that prioritizes lust also penetrates their minds and moved their bodies and mind to commit evil.  

In the name of secularism and liberalism, people are forced to accept and tolerate the reduction of worship quality and education. This is even more dangerous because the main target is youth, individuals who are looking for identity and still in character building. 

Al-Qur'an considered no longer relevant, because the benchmark they use is based on hedonism, a materialistic understanding that comes from the human thoughts which keep penetrating their minds, so any defamation of revelations coming from God is a matter of course.  If this continue, Muslims will finally degraded into their lowest level because their supporting forces, the youths, had lost their way.

Unfortunately, current paradigm that develops in our society still think that youth are still considered as a people who still have to learn a lot and must obey a lot from older people.  With this kind of paradigm, it is very difficult for youth to express their ideas and thoughts .  The young man was not accustomed to thinking about the problems in society its solution, until finally what emerged was apathy and sharp criticism without solutions.

 Hasan Al-Banna revealed the importance of the youth roles in the struggle within the rise of Islam.  He revealed that youth are the pillars of the resurrection that have the responsibilities, obligations and mandate to foster the people. 

To carry out this task, he also stated that a young man must have some criteria, which are: long thoughts, many charitable, wise in determining attitudes, going forward to be a savior, and able to fulfill the rights of the people.  

The basic nature that young people must possess, according to him, are: faith, sincerity, enthusiasm, and good deeds.  With the fulfillment of all this nature with the lifetime full support, he believes that the rise of Islam will occur with youth as the main actor.

 Of course the young man must also have a strong aqidah base on Qur'an and Al-Hadith as a way of life.  Youth and the Qur'an must become a unity.  So, the conclusion is "Return the youth to the Qur'an will return Islam to its glory."

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