Don't be too impressed with yourself if you're able to stay away from major sins such as zina, gambling, drinking alcohol, and so on. Many people are good at avoiding such sins, but they're not so good at protecting their tongues from backbiting, swearing, cursing, belittling people, and so forth. Nor are they good at protecting their hearts from materialism, worldly desires, jealousy, holding grudges, arrogances and pride.
We must remember that if Shaytan is not able to get us to commit sins, he will try to get us to waste time, procrastinate and delay doing good deeds, such as seeking knowledge, reading and studying the Qur'an, learning Arabic, da'wah, dhikr, tawbah and other good deeds that will benefit us here and in the Akhirah/Hereafter.
He will also try to convince us that we don't have the time for such things, even though we're able to make time to watch movies, box sets, or go out with friends.
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